Join us for a cup of coffee as we chat about our faith and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In a round-table discussion guided by Fr. Charles, we discuss various topics of interest. We meet every first Thursday of every month at 9:00 am in the Youth Center. Let's grow together in Faith.
The Christian Family Movement is a national network of parish/neighborhood small groups of families that has been going strong for almost 75 years. CFM has been a part of the St. Lawrence community for nearly that long. In that time, CFM has touched the lives of many of our parishioners and fostered lifelong friendships and a mutual support system for the families here.
The Christian Family Movement (CFM) is a small-group peer ministry that includes the whole family. Children are witnesses to multiple families trying to live their faith. CFM members share life, faith, and best practices. They build friendships that are welcoming and that inspire an active faith. CFM creates a family of families within our parish.
CFM activities include monthly small group meetings, fun social events, and service opportunities throughout the year.
310-722-0176 | [email protected].
The Chapel is available at all times, day and night, for those wishing to spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
To provide this opportunity, we need scheduled adorers on whom we can count to be there, particularly through the night.
Are you willing to commit to one hour of adoration, or as a substitute adorer?
310-540-0329 ext. 388 or email
Moms in Touch is an international prayer ministry that began in 1984 by one mom who felt called to pray with other moms for their children and schools. She created a format using scripture that was very simple for busy mothers.
Moms in Touch is two or more mothers meeting for one hour a week to release God's power on their children and schools through prayer.
We invite mothers, grandmothers, or any woman willing to pray for one hour a week to join and see how prayer can make a difference in our children's lives. We meet in the St. Theresa Room in the hall at 8:00 am Mondays during the school year. Please bring a bible with you. We do not meet on holidays. Hope to see you there!
Paula Szalla | 310-938-5117 (daytime)
Sharon McCandless | 310-308-6209 (evening)
A Ministry for Racial Healing & Cultural Celebration
One in Christ meets monthly to pray with scripture toward our vision that every person be treated with respect and dignity as a child of God. We offer parish-wide prayer experiences, education, and dialog to promote greater appreciation and understanding of all cultures.
Please join us each month on the second Wednesday, 7-8 pm in the Pastoral Center.
Deacon Jim Egnatuk | 310-540-0329 ext. 276
For more information on the work of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Task Force on Racism as well as resources, etc., please visit
"Sometimes people think they have to do big things in order to make change. But if each one would light a candle, we'd have a tremendous light."
-Sr. Thea Bowman, Servant of God
Where am I being called to light a single candle?
The Peace and Justice Ministry follows the traditions of Catholic social teaching for peace and justice in all areas, including but not limited to abortion, capital punishment, sexual ethics, euthanasia, reproductive technology, war, poverty, homelessness, and moral reasoning.
Deacon Dale Sheckler | 310-678-2583
Deacon Dale Sheckler | 310-678-2583
Never Silence the Human Heart. This is our guiding philosophy. We are involved in all aspects of affirming the sacredness of life from conception to natural death and concern ourselves with issues such as abortion, euthanasia, suicide, the death penalty, and end-of-life issues.
Current activities include various educational and inspirational parish-wide presentations, a baby shower for those in crisis pregnancy, a OneLife LA gathering held annually in January, and more. We support the Pregnancy Help Center in Torrance at 310-320-8976.
Those in crisis pregnancies are encouraged to call the Pregnancy Help Center or the 24-Hour Helpline at 310-787-HELP (310-787-4357).
For information regarding Post Abortion Services – please go to
Small Communities of Faith or SCF are small communities typically of 8-12 members who meet regularly, determined by the group's needs. Some meet weekly, others biweekly, and still others monthly. Some groups may meet year-round, others during the school year, while others may come together for four to six-week sessions in the Advent/Christmas season and during the Lenten/Easter season.
Each SCF forms based on schedule and interests. Some may consist of a mixed group of members; others may be moms of young children, others empty nesters, others married couples, and others may consist of 6 or so families who come together to form a small community.
In Summary, Small Communities of Faith are:
Intentional. The members of each SCF gather for a defined purpose and mission. Not just a social group.
Invitational. The network has a place for all who come, and members are respected.
Inclusive. Recognizing the diverse charisms within the Catholic community, the network embraces all who gather to bear authentic witness to Christ and His Church.
Inspirational. Each SCF is not an end unto itself but inspires each member to live out the mission of Christ in the world. This missionary spirit manifests itself in both the individual and collective actions of the Small Community of Faith.
[email protected] | 310-540-0329
St Lawrence Martyrs' Kateri Circle is a Native American prayer group devoted to St. Kateri Tekakwitha.
St Kateri Tekakwitha is our first Native American Saint, Patron Saint of environment and ecology, indigenous peoples, and care of creation. St. Kateri Tekakwitha's given name is Tekakwitha, baptized as Catherine and informally known as the Lily of the Mohawks. (1656-April 17,1680). Her Feast Day is July 14th. Pope Benedict XVI canonized her on October 21, 2012.
We at St Lawrence Martyr's Kateri Circle gather once a month to share our Native American spirituality (talking circles), share our heritage, have prayer circles, participate in Liturgies, and prayer services, and offer educational presentations.
Mary Meier | 310-901-2432 | [email protected]
Our Young Adults Ministry is a group of women and men 18-30s, including college students, singles and couples.
We meet on the second and fourth Monday evening of each month. Our mission is to provide young Catholics with meaningful opportunities for faith development and charitable growth while connecting with other members of our faith community. Our three pillars are: